Find out more about the role of a JP in NSW

Follow the links on this page to navigate to the rest of the site.  Download a Stat Dec, Understand more about the Affidavit.  Find a JP close to you. Which documents a JP cannot sign. The JP Code of Conduct.
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JP near me in my local Government area

This page will tell you where to get a JP close to you

There are a large number of JP's in the state of NSW.  There could even be one in your street! To find out where these JP's are, please click on this link to go to the Government website

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Make an appointment to see me

You can make an appointment to see me at my home or a location near you

I'm available most week days, even weekends by appointment.  I or one of my registered colleagues are also available while we're on duty at one of the local libraries. Click on this link

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Read this important FAQ's page, you'll be surprised

On this page, you'll find some useful facts about the duties and responsibilities of a JP.  Click on this link

Want more information?

The role of a Justice of the Peace in NSW is highly regulated by the Department of Communities and Justice.  They are bound by the Justices of the Peace Act 2002.  A person appointed as a JP can hold the office for 5 years from the date of the appointment, after which they can be reappointed by successfully completing and passing the JP exam with a rate of 100%

Go to the Statutory Declaration Page

On this page, you'll understand what is a Stat Dec, when its used and how your JP will help you. Go to this page


Find out all the information about the Affidavit

What's an Affidavit.  if I need one how do I get one, what help do I have to author an Affidavit? go to this page and download or read all the important information. This page has the detail


Read the JP Code of Conduct

NSW JP's are bound by rules and regulations under the JP Act Justice of the Peace act 2002 and replaced by Justice of the Peace Regulation  2020.  You can see the Act by clicking here


See what documents a JP cannot sign

There are some documents a NSW JP is not allowed to witness.  You can check the facts on this page.  Click on this link


Become a JP in NSW

Become a valuable member of the community by becoming a volunteer Justice of the Peace.  You can read about the process here.  Click on this link


About Les Dainter JP CAQ

I've been a JP for a long time, am registered and  and a member of the NSW Justices Association. I Have also been appointed by the Department of Communities and Justice as a Court-Appointed-Questioner. More about Les Dainter JP CAQ here

Contact me for more information

If you can't find a JP local to you, you need help in locating documents such as Stat Dec, or you need more information about becoming a JP, please contact me here