Remote Signing of Documents

JP's are now allowed to remotely witness documents via AVL

Remotely signing documents via AVL (Audio Visual Link)

NSW Justice of the Peace are now allowed to witness documents via AVL when it's not possible for a client to be in attendance with the JP


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2 Fletcher St, Nulkaba, NSW 2325


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(Mobile 0466 717 221
Mon - Fri, 10:30-4:00pm


Les Dainter JP
Registration Number 140888
NSW Justices Association Member Number M20544

The Electronic Transactions Act 1 was amended in 2021 to enable remote witnessing of documents. The JP may witness statutory declarations and affidavits remotely in accordance with this Act.
This imposes several requirements on JPs, including that:
• The JP must see the signatory signing the document in real time over the audio-visual link;
• The JP must sign the document, or an exact copy of the document, signed by the signatory as evidence that they witnessed the signature;
• The JP must be reasonably satisfied that the document they sign is the same document, or a copy of the document, signed by the signatory. 

Please note that not all NSW JP's are either equipped or able to assist with AVL witnessing. This includes myself

Remote witnessing scheme allows a NSW JP to remotely witness a statutory declaration or an affidavit for a person located outside of NSW over a video link. And, the JP may also be outside of NSW at the time of witnessing a statutory declaration or affidavit provided that
• the document is required to be signed under a NSW Act or law or, (1)
• the governing laws for the document are the laws of NSW. (2)
1 See Electronic Transactions Amendment (Remote Witnessing) Bill 2021.

2 See Section 14i and 14j of the Electronic Transactions Amendment (Remote Witnessing) Bill 2021 [NSW].

This content was taken from the 2022 JP Handbook

Please note that not all NSW JP's are either equipped or able to assist with AVL witnessing. This includes myself




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